Annie Armstrong

Our Annie Armstrong Fundraisers kick off this Sunday, and we can’t be more excited! Every age at NHBC has an opportunity to participate, and we invite you to join in the fun by supporting one or more of the following fundraisers:  NHBC children from birth to 5th grade are in a penny war! If you know a child in the children’s program please give them opportunities to earn a donation! The Sunday School class that raises the most money wins a special treat! The children will be collecting money for their penny was on March 7th, 14th, and 21st.  The NHBC Youth are selling paper hands for $1.00 each. You may mark them as “In Memory” or “In Honor” of someone, write your name on them, write a special message, or leave them blank. They will be displayed on “Annie’s Tree” in the sanctuary through Easter. Why hands? Annie used her hands to show the love of Christ to others as she did her own mission work. Additionally, she wrote 18,000 letters in just one year rallying support for North American Missionaries! She definitely used her hands, and we should too! Hands will be on sale March 7th, 14th, and 21st.  Our Silent Cake Auction will offer ten homemade cakes baked by our own church members!  If you’d like to bid but won’t be at church while the auction is open, please feel free to email your highest bid to the church office at [email protected]. Bidding begins 03.07.2021 and ends 03.21.2021. Cake winners will be notified on 03.23. 2021.  Cakes available:   Pineapple Upside Down Cake by Donna Stoner  Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake by Jimette Bonasera  Peanut Butter Cheesecake by Jimette Bonasera  Red Velvet Cake by Tony Cardwell  Yellow Cake with Chocolate Icing by Cheryl Teel  Coconut Cake by Emily Spivey   Butterfinger Cake by Lisa Cummings   Lemon Refrigerator Cake by June Phillips  Cupcakes by Olivia Varner   Carrot Cake by Holley Collier  How will you use your blessings to further God’s Kingdom this year through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering?