“Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective.” 

This is the subtitle of New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews book, “The Noticer.” A secular work, not saying Andrews is not Christian—I do not know, but the book is not written as Christian literature, captures the mind as we meet an old man simply referred to as Jones. The book was actually given to me by Ms. Sherry Holman after I had mentioned it in a sermon. I dove in and just as others are able to attest to the book had me. It reminds us of the value in what we have and how someone is not always what we first consider them to be. 

Another book I have recently read is “Bo’s Café,” another work on how just taking the time to notice someone and being willing to delve into their life can make such a difference. Did you know that this is not a new or novel idea? It is actually biblical principle. Consider our focal verse for the “N” in our acronym, Matthew 9:36. Jesus noticed and had compassion on the very ones who’s sins and rebellion were to put him on the cross. Romans 12:2 teaches to not be conformed by the world but to be transformed by the renewal of your mind—your perspective. The rest of Romans 12 tells us how to model out that new mind, a large portion of that is reflective in our relationship to others. I have said it this way, “Never forget the measure of grace that you required for God to save you, and you will be moved to be more gracious to others. You begin to see people as sheep without a shepherd, harassed and helpless, just as your Savior saw you.” New Home let’s be Noticers and see what 2023 brings us.  

By Pastor Matt Nixon

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