


New Home Baptist Church is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will.



Pastor Matt was appointed New Home Baptist Church’s Senior Pastor in February 2019. Before that, he served as Youth Minister/Associate Pastor of New Home.

He is attending New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Theology.

Matt is a native of Elmore County, and he graduated from Holtville High School in 1999. He has been happily married for over ten years to his wife, Carmen, and they have two children, Reece, and Rylee Anne. Carmen is also a native of Elmore County and graduated from Wetumpka High School in 2000. She is very active in the church by leading our women’s ministry, assisting in the children’s wing, and caring for the church’s people beyond expectation.

Matt volunteers as a fireman with Buyck Volunteer Fire Department. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, and studying God’s Word, preferably outdoors.



Jennifer has been a member of New Home for almost 20 years, and has served in the children’s ministry most of that time. She officially joined the staff as Children’s Director in August of 2018. Jennifer believes that helping children further their faith and presenting the gospel to all children through this position is what she should be doing for God in this season of her life.

Jennifer grew up in the tri-county area, finding her home in Titus at the age of 14. She graduated from Alabama Christian Academy in 2007. Jennifer graduated from The University of Alabama in 2011 with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.

Jennifer has been happily married for over 10 years to her husband, Travis. They have three beautiful children: Levi, Olivia, and Holden. Jennifer enjoys painting, crafting, creating vinyl designs, and hiding from her kids to eat chocolate. Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 119:105.



Matthew Mitchell was welcomed as New Home’s Minister of Worship in August of 2022.

Matthew is from Wetumpka, and currently studies Music Industry at Troy University. When asked what his favorite part of music ministry is, Matthew replied, “My favorite thing about music ministry is how God can use something that I love and that He’s given me the gift to do to bring glory to Him. Really shows how He can use my passion and still bring glory to Himself.” One of his favorite passages of scripture is Numbers 6:24-26.



Steve has a heart for today’s youth, and we are blessed to have him at New Home! He has been serving our youth since August 2018. Steve also serves the church as a deacon.

Steve is married to his lovely wife of over 14 years, Emily. They have three children: Steven, Stephanie, and Lindsay.

Steve is now retired, but prior to retirement, he served as a millwright. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, and being outdoors enjoying God’s handiwork. His favorite songs are “Rescue Story” and “Midnight Cry”, and his favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28.