Another Orbit, Another Year; Same Great Hope
Reflecting over 2023 there have been a number of challenges and successes that have worked together to prepare us for what lie ahead. I am thankful that during a season of global trial we have been blessed to host revivals, conferences, and the majority of everything we planned. I was exceptionally glad that we were able to return our Wednesday night community night and am excited to host them again this Summer. I have also been faced with some of the hardest decisions I have ever encountered. But through God’s mercy and grace, He has sustained me. I am thankful for that.
Although we are almost certain that Christ was not born on December 25th it is nonetheless the day that we celebrate it. I believe that God is omnipotent and omniscient in that because I believe He is sovereign in all things. That being said let me unpack the joy of how that works in the life of the believer.
Our society puts a large emphasis on the new year being a time of fresh starts and advertising (especially fitness) exploits peoples shame of the last year in hopes of offering a better chance to be a “better” you. Before you assume that I think every person who promotes healthier living has an ulterior motive, I agree it is a good time to set goals and I myself should take better care of me. I digress. The beauty of the organization of our calendar is that at the close of the year we begin to reflect on our victories and challenges we are reminded of the great hope that we have in Christ. The even better truth to that is that we do not have to wait until the turn of the calendar page to enjoy this “new-better” you; completely new. We can by celebrating our Savior’s birth prepare ourselves to boldly face the new year and all that it has to offer. This is great news for the believer; You are a new creation, His mercies are new each morning, and He will never leave you nor forsake you, (2 Cor 5:17; Lam 3:22,23; Matt 28:20; Heb13:5). This ignites the Christian to live triumphantly every day not withholding a new start until the turn of the calendar year, but waking each morning refreshed and equipped for the day knowing that through Christ we are more than conquerors. May your New Year be a blessed one. ~ Pastor Matt