What Don’t You Know

           As I sat in my office last week watching the second video of School House Rock, Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla was teaching pronouns. I watched, listened, and even sang along; it was humbling to say the least. What followed was even more confrontational…a quiz. Ten simple questions is all it took for me to realize that I did not know as much as I thought I did. Humbling for sure. I am sure that you have gotten a good laugh, and you are not alone because I laughed myself.

 What struck me as curious and led me into a lengthy reflection is this: If I have been using English my whole life and still not score perfect, where else am I depending upon pragmatism? What do I believe to be correct because it has worked, but never engaged in study to know more fully? Sitting in my office I thought, What have I missed in the Scriptures or where can my faith be strengthened by gleaning the pages again? 

  This is the very purpose I have enrolled in English Grammar at the age of forty. I want to be better equipped to study God’s word so that I may be more effective in knowing, communicating and encouraging the flock that God has me shepherding. Even if it takes watching cartoons that are designed for my seven year old son to watch as he begins to develop his English skills for communication and writing. It is a good reminder that we should be willing to go back to the basics to establish a foundation that we can build on. Would you be willing to go back, study, and learn even those text that you have been aware of all of your life? Not just read through quickly, as I did the grammar assignment only to find out that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did, and seek for God to reveal a more full knowledge of him. Paul said it this way, “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! (Rom 11:33). 

We can never exhaust the mysteries of God, but it certainly strengthens us as we try.

“An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” Ps 18:15

Pastor Matt Nixon

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